

单词 door
释义 doordoorsdoordoor /dɔː $ dɔːr/ noun [countable]1 the thing that you open and close to get into or out of a house, room, or car ➔ gate: Could you open the door for me?can你能给我开一下门吗?Is the back door shut?be后门关了吗?2the space made by an open doorin/out of the doorRick ran out of the door.run瑞克跑出门口。in/out through the doorShe walked in through the door.walk她从门口走了进来。 ➔ next doorPhrasesat the door if someone is at the door, they are waiting for you to open it so that they can come inside: I think there’s somebody at the door.我觉得门外有人。(from) door to door1especially British English from one building to another: How long is the journey, door to door?be两地间路程有多远?2going to each house on a street to sell something or talk to people: The police went from door to door, asking if anyone had seen anything.goaskhavesee警察们挨家挨户走访﹐查问是否有人看见过什么。a door-to-door salesman挨家兜售的推销员out of doors outside: I prefer working out of doors.workdoor我更喜欢在户外工作。THESAURUS outsideCOLLOCATIONS: doorverbsto open the doorMum opened the door with a big smile on her face.opento close/shut the doorPlease close the door behind you.a door opens/closes/shutsThe car door opened and a woman got out.opengetto slam the door (=to shut it loudly, usually because you are angry)He went out, slamming the door behind him.goslamto knock on/at the door (=to hit it to make someone open it)Who’s that knocking at the door?knockto answer the door (=to open it for someone who has knocked or pressed the bell)Will someone please answer the door?to lock/unlock a doorHe never locks the bathroom door.locka door leads somewhere (=used to say what place is on the other side of a door)This door leads into the garden.leadtypes of doorthe front/back/side door (=of a house)Reporters were waiting outside the front door.reporterbewaitUse the back door if your boots are muddy.bootbethe main door (=the door into a building that most people use)The main door to the hotel is on Queen Street.bethe kitchen/bedroom/bathroom etc doorThe kitchen door opened and Jake walked in.openwalka car doorShe heard a car door slamming.hearslamdoor + nouna door handle (=that you move up or down to open a door)Ella reached for the door handle.reacha door knob (=that you turn to open a door)I turned the door knob and went into the room.turngoa door keyShe was looking in her bag for her door key.belook




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