

单词 elderly
释义 elderlyelderlyelderly /ˈeldəli $ ˈeldərli/ adjective1an elderly person is old: an elderly woman一个老妇人2the elderly people who are old: a home for the elderly养老院THESAURUS: elderlypersonold someone who is old has lived for a long time: an old manI’m too old to learn a new language.elderly a polite word for old: An elderly lady got on the bus.geta home for the elderly (=elderly people)aging (also ageing British English) becoming old: the problems of an ageing populationproblemagehis aging parentsageparentelder brother/sister especially BrE a brother or sister who is older than you. Elder sounds more formal than older: His elder brother worked in a bank.oldworkbe getting on (in years) informal to be quite old: He’s 54 now, so he’s getting on.getancient informal very old – used in a joking way: I’m ancient compared to you!compare




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