

单词 employment
释义 employmentemploymentsemploymentemployment /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ noun [uncountable]1when an organization, person, or company pays someone to do a job OPP unemploymentin employmentAre you in full-time employment?be你有全职工作吗?employment ofWe are opposed to the employment of children.beopposechild我们反对雇用童工。employment rights for part-time workersrightworker兼职工人的就业权利find/seek/offer employmentWhat are her chances of finding employment?bechancefind她找到工作的机会有多大?2the number of people who have jobs: Farm jobs represent 12% of the region’s total employment.job农场工作占这个地区总就业人数的 12%。You’re never going to get full employment (=when everyone has a job).go要达到全面就业是不可能的。3formal the use of a particular object or method to achieve something SYN useemployment ofthe employment of military force使用武力




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