

单词 another
释义 anotheranotheranother /əˈnʌðə $ -ər/ determiner, pronoun1one more person or thing of the same kind: Do you want another beer?你想再来一杯啤酒吗?Buy one CD and we’ll give you another, completely free.买一张激光唱片﹐我们再免费赠送一张。2a different person or thing: You’ll just have to find another job.你只得另找一份工作了。She lives in another part of the country.live她住在国内的另一个地方。He left his wife for another woman.leave他为了另一个女人离开了妻子。 ➔ one anotherGrammarAnother is written as one word. Do not write it as ‘an other’.THESAURUS: anothermore in addition to what is already there, has already been made or used etc: He put some more logs on the fire.logMore people came into the room.comeanother one more: Can I have another biscuit?extra more of something, in addition to the usual amount or number: We get an extra day’s holiday this year.You can use the pool at no extra cost.spare a spare key, tyre, room etc is another one that you have in case you need to use it: It’s always best to have a spare key.welladditional formal more than the amount that was agreed or expected at the beginning: Additional troops will be sent to the region.troopsendadditional chargeschargefurther formal more, in addition to what there is already or what has happened already: For further information, call this number.farnumbShe has gone into hospital for further tests.havegofartest




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