

单词 flimsy
释义 flimsyflimsierflimsiestflimsyflimsy /ˈflɪmzi/ adjective1thin and light, and not thick or strong: a flimsy cotton dress一件轻而薄的棉质连衣裙a flimsy table一张不结实的桌子2a flimsy argument or excuse is not good enough for you to believe: The evidence against him is very flimsy.be不利于他的证据实在站不住脚。THESAURUS: flimsythingweak unable to support a lot of weight, and likely to break: The branch was too weak to support his body.befragile made of a material that breaks easily – used about something you need to handle carefully: a fragile glass bowlBe careful of those plates – they’re very fragile.platedelicate easy to break or damage – used especially about things that are thin and attractive, or about someone’s skin: The flowers are incredibly delicate.flowerbea soap for delicate skinWash delicate fabrics separately.fabricflimsy not made from good strong materials and so easy to damage: a flimsy plastic chaira flimsy wooden buildingbuildThis keyboard’s very cheap but it’s a bit flimsy.bite




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