

单词 glorious
释义 gloriousgloriousglorious /ˈglɔːriəs/ adjective1having or deserving praise and honour: a glorious achievement辉煌的成就2very beautiful or impressive: glorious views of the coastview海岸的壮丽景色—gloriouslygloriously adverbTHESAURUS: glorioussunny if the weather is sunny, the sun is shining: a bright sunny dayfine especially British English not raining, and with no clouds or only a few clouds in the sky: We’re hoping for fine weather for our camping trip.hopecampnice spoken pleasantly warm and sunny: If it’s nice, we’ll go for a picnic.bright if the weather is bright, the sun is shining and there is plenty of light: a bright sunny morningbeautiful/glorious used when the weather is very good and there is a lot of sunshine: I hope this glorious weather continues.continueThe weather has been beautiful all week.havebedry with no rain: Tomorrow will be mostly dry.




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