

单词 grasp
释义 graspgraspsgraspgrasp2 noun [singular]1the ability to understand a subject or a situation completelygrasp ofHer grasp of the issues was impressive.issuebe她对这些问题领悟力极强。a good/poor etc grasp of somethinga good grasp of spoken Englishspeak精通英语口语2your ability to achieve or gain somethingwithin sb’s graspEve felt that success was finally within her grasp.feelbe伊芙感到她终于成功在握。beyond sb’s graspFor many people, buying a house is beyond their grasp.buybe对很多人来说﹐买房子是遥不可及的事。3the way you hold something, or your ability to hold it: The bottle slipped out of his grasp and smashed on the floor.slipsmash瓶子从他手中滑落﹐掉到地板上摔碎了。




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