

单词 guarantee
释义 guaranteeguaranteesguaranteeguarantee2 AC noun [countable]1a formal written promise by a company to repair or replace a product if it breaks: The phone has a one-year guarantee.have这部电话有一年的质量保证。under guarantee (=protected by a guarantee that has not finished yet)Is the TV still under guarantee?be这台电视机还在保修期内吗?2a formal promise that something will be doneguarantee thatI can’t give a guarantee that there’ll be no redundancies.redundancy我不能保证不会裁员。COLLOCATIONS: guaranteeverbsto have a guaranteeThe pen had a lifetime guarantee.haveto come with/carry a guaranteeThis set of cutlery comes with a 25-year guarantee.cometypes of guaranteea one-year/two-year etc guaranteeOur clocks carry a five-year guarantee.clocka money-back guarantee (=a promise to give you back the money you paid if there is a problem)Some shops offer money-back guarantees.shopguaranteea lifetime guarantee (=one that lasts as long as the object lasts)He offers a lifetime guarantee on his leather furniture.offera full guarantee (=one that covers all problems)Each bathroom comes with a full guarantee.come




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