

单词 heave
释义 heaveheavesheavedhoveheavingheaveheave /hiːv/ verb1[intransitive and transitive] to pull or lift something heavy using a lot of effortheave somebody/something out of/onto etc somethingHe heaved himself out of the chair.heave他费力地从椅子上站起来。2[transitive] to move up and down with strong regular movementsheave withHis shoulders heaved with laughter.shoulderheave他笑得双肩直抖。3heave a sigh to breathe out loudly: Roz heaved a sigh of relief when he’d gone.heavego他走后罗兹如释重负地舒了一口气。—heaveheavesheave noun [countable]THESAURUS: heavepull to hold someone or something firmly and move them in a particular direction, especially towards you: He pulled the blanket off the bed.pullShe quickly pulled on her jeans.pulldrag to pull something along the ground, especially because it is too heavy to carry: They managed to drag the sofa across the room.managehaul to pull something big and heavy using a lot of effort, especially using a rope: The fishermen were hauling in their nets.fishermanbehaulnettug to pull something with a short quick movement: The little girl was tugging at her mother’s coat.betugI tugged at the drawer but it wouldn’t open.tugheave to pull or lift something very heavy, especially with one movement: Somehow he heaved the bag onto his shoulders.heaveshouldertow to pull a vehicle along using a rope or chain: Our car had to be towed to the nearest garage.havetownearHorses were used to tow the boats along the canals.horsebeuseboatcanal




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