

单词 homework
释义 homeworkhomeworkshomeworkhomework /ˈhəʊmwɜːk $ ˈhoʊmwɜːrk/ noun [uncountable] work for school that students do at home ➔ housework: Have you finished your maths homework?finishmath你的数学作业做完了吗?GrammarHomework is an uncountable noun and has no plural form. Do not say ‘I must do my homeworks.’ Say I must do my homework.(我必须做家庭作业。)Phrasesdo your homework to prepare for something by getting information about it: It was clear that the first applicant had really done her homework.behavedo显然第一位申请者做了充分的准备。COLLOCATIONS: homeworkverbsto do your homeworkYou can watch TV when you’ve done your homework.do ► Do not say ’make/write your homework’. Say do your homework.to give somebody homework (also to set somebody homework British English)The teacher forgot to give us any homework.forgetMiss Thacker always sets lots of homework.setlotto help somebody with their homeworkDad, will you help me with my homework?to hand in your homework (=to give homework you have done to your teacher)He always hands his homework in on time.handnoun + homeworkbiology/history/French etc homeworkI have to write an essay for my French homework.THESAURUS: homeworkwork your job or the activities that you do regularly to earn money: What time do you finish work today?He’s really enjoying his work.enjoyhousework the work that you have to do in your home, for example cleaning and washing clothes: Women still do most of the housework.womanhomework the work that a student has to do at home: I haven’t finished my maths homework yet.finishmathduties formal all the things that you have to do as part of your job – used especially in official documents: Your duties will include setting up the equipment in the laboratory.dutysettask a piece of work that you have to do, especially a difficult or unpleasant job, or a particular part of your work: The United Nations forces have an almost impossible task.unitenationforceShe set herself the task of learning the local language.learndaily household taskstask




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