

单词 lie
释义 lielieslayliedlainlyinglielie1 /laɪ/ verb [transitive] (past tense lay /leɪ/, past participle lain /leɪn/, present participle lying, third person singular lies)1 to be in a position in which your body is flat on the floor, a bed etc, or to put yourself in this positionlie on/inWe lay on the beach all morning.lie整个早上我们都躺在沙滩上。 lie backI love to lie back in a nice hot bath and relax.我喜欢躺在一缸热乎乎的洗澡水里放松休息。My mom used to lie awake worrying.useworry我妈以前经常担心得睡不着觉。2to be in a flat position on a surfacelie on/in etcHis letter was lying on her desk.belie他的信放在她的桌子上。3if a city, town etc lies in a particular position, it is in that position: The town lies to the east of the lake.lie该镇坐落在湖的东面。4if a problem lies somewhere, it is caused by that thing, person, or situationlie in/with etcThe fault lies with the computer system.lie问题出在电脑系统。5[linking verb] to be in a particular condition or state: The boats in this once-busy fishing village now lie idle (=are not busy working).boatfish这个曾经繁忙的渔村现在渔船都闲置了。The city lay in ruins.lieruin这座城市成了一片废墟。6if something lies in the future, it is going to happen to you in the future: the difficulties that lie ahead for the refugeesdifficultyrefugee摆在难民面前的困难Who knows what lies in store for any of us?knowlie谁知道等待我们的是什么呢? Phraseslie in wait (for somebody/something) to remain hidden in a place and wait for someone so that you can attack them: The mugger lay in wait for his victim.lie劫匪埋伏着等待下手的目标。lie low to remain hidden because someone is trying to find you: We’ll have to lie low until tonight.我们得躲到今天晚上。Phrasal verbslie around (also lie aboutlie about British English) phrasal verb1lie around (something) if something is lying around, it has been left somewhere in an untidy way, not in the place where it should be: Stop leaving your clothes lying around.leaveclothelie别再把衣服到处乱放。2to spend time lying somewhere, not doing anything: We just lay around on the beach the whole time.lie我们整天就是懒洋洋地躺在海滩上。lie behind something phrasal verb to be the real reason for an action, even though this may be hidden: What really lay behind her question?lie她问这个问题的真实原因是什么?lie down phrasal verb1to put yourself in a position in which your body is flat on the floor, a bed etc: I’m going upstairs to lie down.go我要上楼躺下。2not take something lying down informal to refuse to accept bad treatment without complaining




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