

单词 race
释义 raceracesracerace1 /reɪs/ noun1 [countable] a competition in which people, animals, cars etc try to go faster than each other: He won the race easily.win他轻松地赢了比赛。in a raceShe should do well in this race.shall她应该能在这场比赛中取得好成绩。2[uncountable and countable] one of the main groups into which people are divided according to the colour of their skin and physical appearance: The school welcomes children of all races.welcomechildrace 本校欢迎各种族的学生前来就读。people of mixed racemix 多种族的人3[countable] a situation in which people compete with each other to obtain a position of power: Davis had decided to enter the presidential race.havedecide戴维斯已决定参加总统竞选。race forthe race for city council 市议会竞选4[singular] a situation in which one group of people tries to obtain or achieve something before another grouprace forthe race for the final playoff position 争夺参加附加赛的最后一个席位the race to do somethingthe race to find a cure for cancer寻找癌症疗法的竞赛5the races an event at which horses race against each other: Have you ever been to the races?berace你去看过马赛吗? ➔ arms race, human race, rat racePhrasesa race against time when you must finish doing something in a short period of time: He faces a race against time in order to be fit for the game.face为了练就强健的体魄参加比赛,他必须要与时间赛跑。COLLOCATIONS: raceverbsto win/lose a raceShe won the race easily.winto come first/last etc in a raceI used to come last in every race.useto take part in a raceRunners from all over the world will take part in the race.runnerto compete in a raceShe’s competing in the 10-kilometre race.competeto have a raceThe children were having races in the playground.childbehaveraceto hold a raceThe race will be held on February 25th.holdto finish a raceTom finished the race in sixth place.finishtypes of racea horse/boat/bike etc raceThey were watching a horse race on TV.bewatcha 200-metres/10-kilometre etc raceHe finished first in the 100 metres race.finishmetrea running raceLet’s have a running race!run




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