

单词 roar
释义 roarroarsroaredroaringroarroar /rɔː $ rɔːr/ verb1 [transitive] to make a deep very loud noise: We heard a lion roar.hear我们听见一头狮子在吼叫。The wind roared as she opened the front door.roaropen她打开前门﹐风在咆哮。2 [transitive] if a vehicle roars somewhere, it moves very quickly and noisilyroar past/off etcA truck roared past.roar 一辆卡车呼啸而过。 3[intransitive and transitive] to shout with a deep loud voice: ‘Get out of here now!’ he roared.roar“马上滚出去!”他吼道。—roarroarsroar noun [countable]: a roar of laughter狂笑




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