

单词 stroke
释义 strokestrokesstrokestroke1 /strəʊk $ stroʊk/ noun1brain injury [countable] a medical condition in which your brain becomes damaged and you are unable to move part of your body: He had a stroke last year.have他去年得了一次中风。2in swimming [uncountable and countable] a movement with your arms when you are swimming, often used after another noun to talk about a particular way of swimming: backstroke仰泳breaststroke蛙泳3in tennis [countable] a way of hitting the ball in a game such as tennis: He played some beautiful strokes.playstroke他做了几个漂亮的击球动作。4in drawing [countable] a single movement of a pen or brush when you are writing or drawingPhrasesat a stroke/at one stroke with one single sudden action: This would solve the problem at one stroke.will这样就一下子解决了问题。not do a stroke (of work) informal to not do any work at all: You haven’t done a stroke of work all morning.do你整个上午什么事也没做。a stroke of genius/inspiration an extremely clever thing to doa stroke of luck/good fortune something lucky that happens to you: Finding the key was a real stroke of luck.findbe找到钥匙真的是运气。




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