

单词 gifted
释义 giftedgiftedgifted /ˈgɪftɪd/ adjective having a natural ability to do one or more things extremely wellgifted musician/artist/teacher etcShe is a gifted poet.begift她是一位很有天赋的诗人。gifted child (=one who is extremely intelligent)THESAURUS: giftedintelligent having a high level of mental ability and good at learning and understanding ideas: Some dogs are quite intelligent.dogbeYou have to be very intelligent to be a doctor.His father was a highly intelligent man.beclever especially BrE, smart especially AmE able to think and learn quickly and find ways to solve problems: You’re so clever! How did you think of that?doA smart lawyer spotted a mistake in the police evidence.spotShe’ll know the answer – she’s much smarter than I am.smartbebright intelligent – used especially about children and young people: She’s a bright kid.the brightest student in the classbrightHe’s young and he’s bright – he will go far.brilliant extremely intelligent and good at the work you do: a brilliant scientistgifted a gifted child is much more intelligent than most children of the same age: a special school for gifted childrengiftchildwise able to make good decisions and give sensible advice, especially because you have a lot of experience of life: a wise old mancunning good at getting what you want, often by making secret plans or tricking people: He was a cunning politician who knew how to use the situation to his advantage.beknowskilful BrE, skillful AmE good at doing something that you have learned and practised: He was a more skilful boxer than his brother.begood at sth able to do something well: James is very good at swimming.beswimskilled having a lot of training and experience, and able to do a job well: There is a demand for carpenters and other skilled craftsmen.becarpentercraftsmantalented having a natural ability to do something well: a talented musiciangifted having a great natural ability, which not many people have: Beckham is a naturally gifted player.begiftexpert extremely skilful and having a lot of knowledge about something: If you have a computing problem, you can call our expert technical team.compute




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