

单词 variety
释义 varietyvarietiesvarietyvariety /vəˈraɪəti/ noun (plural varieties)1a variety of something a lot of different types of things or people: The college offers a wide variety of language courses.offercourse这所学院提供各种各样的语言课程。Potatoes can be cooked in a variety of ways.potatocookway马铃薯有许多不同的烹调方法。2[uncountable] the different things or activities which something involves and which make it interesting: I wanted a job with plenty of variety.want我想要一份多彩多姿的工作。 3[countable] a type of somethingvariety ofdifferent varieties of lettucevariety各种各样的生菜THESAURUS: varietytype a group of people or things that are similar to each other in some way: There are many different types of credit card.betypekind a type of thing or person. Kind is more common than type in everyday English: What kind of music do you like?sort especially spoken a type of thing or person. Sort sounds more informal than kind: My brother and I do the same sort of job.form a type of thing that has several very different types – used especially in the following phrases: a rare form of the diseasedifferent forms of transportformnew forms of energyformart forms such as ballet and musicformThe spoken word is only one form of communication.speakbevariety a type of thing that is slightly different from others in the same group, for example a plant: This is a new variety of rose.berisespecies a group of plants or animals that are all similar and can produce young animals or plants of the same type: Climate change is threatening the survival of many species.bethreatencategory a group that things or people of the same type are divided into for a particular purpose: The novels are in three categories: historical, romantic, and crime.novelbecategory




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