

单词 visit
释义 visitvisitsvisitedvisitingvisitvisit1 /ˈvɪzɪt/ verb1person/place [intransitive and transitive] to go and spend time in a place or with someone: My aunt is coming to visit us next week.become 我的姑妈下星期要来看我们。Which cities did you visit in Spain?citydo你在西班牙去了哪些城市?She doesn’t visit very often. 她不常来。GrammarDo not say ‘We visited to London.’ Say We visited London.visit(我们去了伦敦。)2go and check [transitive] if someone visits a place, they go to examine something there as part of their job: The building inspector will visit the site next week.build建筑督察将于下周巡视工地。3website [transitive] to look at a website on the Internet: Over 1,000 people visit our site each week.每周有一千多人访问我们的网站。4talk with somebody [transitive] American English informal to have a conversation with someonevisit withWe watched TV while Mom visited with Mrs. Levison.watchvisit我们看电视﹐妈妈和利维森太太聊天。THESAURUS: visitvisit to go and spend time in a place or with someone: I would love to visit Italy.willHe was on his way to visit a friend in Edinburgh.bego to to visit a place. Go to is less formal than visit, and is very common in everyday English: I’m going to Paris next week.gosee to visit a doctor, lawyer etc in order to get their professional advice: She should see a doctor.shallcome around/by/over (also come round British English) to visit someone at their home for a short time, especially when you live near them: You must come over for a meal some time.drop in/by (also call in/by British English) to visit someone at their home for a short time, especially on your way to another place: Kate said she’d drop by later to give you the forms.saylateform




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