

单词 daylight
释义 daylightdaylightsdaylightdaylight /ˈdeɪlaɪt/ noun [uncountable] the light produced by the sun during the day: The park is open during daylight hours.behour公园白天开放。A young girl has been attacked in broad daylight (=during the day when it is light).havebeattack有个小女孩在光天化日之下遭人袭击。 Phrasesbeat/knock the (living) daylights out of somebody to hit someone many times and hurt them badly: If you’re lying, I’ll knock the living daylights out of you!lielivedaylight你要是撒谎,我就揍扁你!something is daylight robbery British English informal used to say that something costs a lot more than is reasonable: Five pounds for a cup of tea? It’s daylight robbery.pound一杯茶要五英镑?真实白日抢劫啊。scare/frighten the (living) daylights out of somebody informal to frighten someone a lot: ‘You frightened the daylights out of me!’ she gasped.frightendaylightgasp“你吓死我了!” 她倒抽一口气嚷道。




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