

单词 distant
释义 distantdistantdistant /ˈdɪstənt/ adjective1far away in space or time: the sound of distant laughter远处的笑声The building is a relic of the distant past.buildbe这栋建筑物是远古的遗迹。2not friendly or not interested: She seemed cold and distant.seem她看上去冷淡疏远。3[only before noun] not closely related to you OPP close: a distant relative一个远房亲戚—distantlydistantly adverbTHESAURUS: distantfar a long distance – used in negatives and questions, or after ‘too’, ‘so’, and ‘as’: It’s not far to the hotel.Is it too far to walk?bePeople had come from as far away as Israel and Brazil.havea long way a long distance: It’s a long way to the sea from here.You must be tired – you’ve come a long way.tiremiles informal a very long distance – used especially when you wish the distance was not so long: We had to walk for miles.havemilThe nearest school is miles away.nearbemildistant written used about something that is a long distance from you, and often difficult to see or hear: I could hear the distant sound of thunder.canthe light from a distant starremote used about a place that is a long distance from other places: a remote area of AlaskaIt’s a tiny island and very remote.




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