

单词 home
释义 homehomehome2 adverb to or at the place where you live: Mike got home (=arrived home) at five o’clock.get迈克 5 点钟回到家。I want to go home.我想回家。home fromIs Mum home from work?be妈妈下班回到家了吗?GrammarDo not say ‘I went to home.’ Say I went home.go(我回家了。)Do not say ‘I went back my home.’ Say I went back to my home.go or I went back home.go(我回家了。)Phrasesbring/drive something home to make someone understand or realize something: We really need to drive this message home.我们的确需要明确表达这一信息。be home and dry British English to have succeeded in doing something: Barcelona must have thought they were home and dry after scoring three goals.thinkbescoregoal在进了三个球之后,巴塞罗那队一定以为他们已经锁定胜局了。take home £120/$600 etc used to say how much someone earns, not counting the money which is kept for tax: I take home about $200 a week.我每星期的税后收入大约是 200 美元。




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