

单词 hate
释义 hatehateshatedhatinghatehate1 /heɪt/ verb [transitive] to dislike someone or something very much OPP love: Mary really hated him after that.hate那件事后玛丽很恨他。I’ve always hated tomatoes.hatetomato我一直讨厌吃番茄。hate doing somethingPam hates having her photo taken.hatehavetake帕姆讨厌拍照。hate to do somethingI hate to see you so unhappy.我不愿看到你这么不开心。hate sb’s guts informal (=hate someone very much)—hatedhated adjective: a hated dictatorhate令人憎恨的独裁者PhrasesI hate to do something spoken used to say that you are sorry you have to do something: I hate to tell you this, but the match has been cancelled again.havebecancel我真不好意思告诉你﹐比赛又取消了。I hate to ask, but could I borrow some money?can我真不愿开口﹐你能借给我一点钱吗?I hate to think what/how spoken used when you feel sure that something would have a bad result: I hate to think what Dad would say about this!will我不敢想爸爸对这事会怎么说!THESAURUS: hatehate to dislike someone or something very much: At school, she always hated sport.hateHe treated me badly and I hated him.treathatecan’t stand/can’t bear especially spoken to hate someone or something very much: Maria’s nice but I can’t stand her husband.I can’t bear that song!loathe/detest to hate something or someone very much. Loathe and detest sound much stronger and a little more formal than hate: My father detested racism in any form.detestShe absolutely loathed Shakespeare.loatheI really loathe men who talk to women like that.manwomandespise to hate someone or something and have no respect for them: She despised herself for being so selfish.despisebeHis books were despised by the critics.bookbedespisecritic




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